
Our various early childhood centres and enrichment program has its own enrolment and vacancies, please contact individual centres for more information

Children Support

One step at a time, accompanying our children as they journey through "Growing Up"
At Bethel Community Services, we believe that education is key to propel families out of poverty cycle and each child is deserving of equal chances to develop their own unique talents and potential.

Our various child centric centres and Bethel Study Hall program focuses on the holistic development of the children in the community.

Our Journeys by Night program provide a safe space for children to explore their creativity, learn life skills, learn values and develop virtues.

We at BCS sincerely believe that every child is unique and equally precious to us. We do our best to give each of our children equal opportunities to develop and prosper in ways that are uniquely them.

Nurturing our Children to be Best Versions of themselves

We are committed to raise their kids to be resilient, virtuous, caring and most importantly one who is optimistic about their future.

If you know if any child or family requiring a helping hand or any of our services, please contact +65 6744 7422 or email to
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