Cash and cheque donations made to Bethel Community Services are tax deductible. Tax deductible receipts can be issued upon request.
Your donations made to us is used in supporting our services which are rendered to the community:
Donations in-kind of good working condition are accepted by Bethel Community Services. We will appreciate that donations in-kind are storage-friendly and relevant to our needs, or that they are suitable for our beneficiaries. If you have items that you think will be useful to our beneficiaries, kindly contact us at socialwork@bethelcs.org.sg
Food rations purchased will be given to families in need, seniors, and children on a monthly basis. Requirements for food rations donated:
Donors may choose to support a family from our beneficiary list with a fixed monthly amount of $150 for their basic necessities/ certain needs. BCS will assist to disburse/ purchase NTUC Vouchers (usually $100), purchase the items ($50), and disseminate the assistance to the families that the donors wish to provide for.
If you wish to help a specific family in need, feel free to contact us at socialwork@bethelcs.org.sg for more information.
Donations now can be made through PayNow and they are tax deductible by Bethel Community Services. A minimum of $10 is required for donations to be made tax deductible.
Scan the PayNow QR code or key in UEN number T04SS0113A in your banking app. Next, enter your contact number as a reference number to be used in the form below.
All donations received via PayNow during the period of 1st April 2025 to 31st December 2025 (both dates included) will be in support of our latest fund raising campaign "Uniting our Community", for more information or concerns on the campaign, feel free to contact us via the contact form below.
In accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), your information provided will be kept private and confidential by Bethel Community Services.
For tax deductions eligibility, please fill in your full particulars accurately.
For any queries on donations, please contact us at admin@bethelcs.org.sg and for matters pertaining to your donations made, please reach out to us within 1 week of the donation.